If you are a store and would like to browse our jewelry selection on our website, you need to first register with us. Please click on the link below to create your account. You will be able to browse our collection after your account is approved. It takes 1-3 days for account approval. You will receive an email when your account is approved. If you have any questions, please contact us at 702.737.1800, Monday-Friday, 9am-5pm CST.
- Orders are shipped complete within 6 weeks of placing them. At your request, we are happy to split ship the order and ship items we have in stock immediately.
- Returns are accepted within 7 days of receipt of order. Faulty merchandise can be returned any time.
- Repairs are handled by original artists in Poland. Due to unique techniques and finishes we are not able to run repairs locally. Please expect repairs to take 2 months or longer, as most of this time is transit time to and from Poland.
- Terms of payment are N30 for established accounts or CC charge.
- Please keep your account current, as we find it difficult to continue shipping to past due accounts.
Click on the link below to request an account

» We only sell wholesale to stores and galleries. We do not sell retail. If you are looking to purchase Mysterium Collection jewelry at retail, email us your zip code and we will tell you where your nearest retailer is located. «